Join Pump Industry Australia Association Incorporated

Join Pump Industry Australia Association Incorporated

Application for Membership of Association

Download brochure to see what PIA has to offer and full list of member benefits: PIA Brochure & Member Benefits

Pump Industry Australia Association Incorporated (incorporated under the Associations Incorporation Act 1991)

PIA membership Categories: (Note the following subscription rates apply from 1 Oct 2020)


* For large companies who are not participating directly in the Pump Industry however do have a strong interest in the industry. Eg a Motor Supplier.

You can also download the PIA Membership Application Form as a PDF and submit your application via email

  • I hereby apply to become a member of Pump Industry Australia Incorporated. In the event of my admission as a member, I agree to be bound by the constitution, code of ethics and procedures of the association for the time being in force.
  • You must indicate that you have read and agreed to the PIA constitution, code of ethics and procedures